ProductPlan’s integration with Pivotal Tracker allows you to easily import epics or stories from your Tracker projects to ProductPlan. You can also link your Tracker epics or stories to ProducPlan Bars or Containers and synchronize the percent complete to always stay up-to-date.
ProductPlan will pull completion progress directly from Tracker and automatically update the percent complete on your roadmap. You’ll be able to synchronize the percent complete in ProductPlan by either stories completed or story points.
Setup Instructions
To set up the integration, go to your Integrations page and click “Begin Pivotal Tracker Integration”. You will need to generate an API token from your profile page in Tracker in order to configure the integration. To do so:
Go to your Pivotal Tracker profile page
Scroll to the bottom of the page to your API Token section
Copy your token, or create a new one if necessary
Paste the token in the field in ProductPlan and click “Submit”
Once connected you should see your integration Status:
6. Check the box to synchronize percent complete based on either Story Points, or Number of Stories completed:
Importing From Pivotal Tracker to ProductPlan
Once you’ve set up your Tracker integration, you can now easily import multiple epics or stories straight into ProductPlan at once.
To import from Tracker, go to the Table Layout's Parked Section of the roadmap you want to import into and click the import button at the top and then select the Tracker tab.
First, select the Tracker project you want to import epics or stories from. Then search for stories or epics you would like to import into the Parked Section of the Table Layout. You can include Tracker keywords and operators in your search terms to filter or refine the search (same functionality as the Tracker search dialog).
ProductPlan will then import the epics or stories as ideas into your Parked Section. It will include the title and description fields and create a link to the epic or story in Tracker. You can drag and drop these ideas from your Table Layout's Parked Section as Bars onto your roadmap.
Refining Your Search When Importing
Refining your search with Tracker keywords and operators can be tricky. You can’t filter stories based on the panels they occupy, but you can filter based on story state. This can help determine which panel the story is likely to occupy.
For example, to search for a panel that includes all items in your Icebox, try searching: “state:unscheduled”.
For a panel that includes all items in your Backlog, try searching: “-state:unscheduled state:unstarted”.
If you want to only include epics in a search, try appending: “-type:feature,bug,release”, which will exclude all items besides epics.
For additional help on how to refine your search in Pivotal Tracker, you can view their docs here: Advanced search.
Linking Bars or Containers
Click on a Bar or Container to open up the details page
Click the Links icon > Tracker Tab
Choose the appropriate Tracker Project from the dropdown
Search for the issue that you wish to link. (Note that the search box will act exactly like the search in Tracker. You can search by story name or id number).