Transferring a Roadmap to Another User

You can transfer ownership of one or more roadmaps to another ProductPlan user.

You can transfer one or more roadmaps to another ProductPlan user. There are two options for accomplishing this, and both require a paid ProductPlan account.

Option 1: Transferring a single roadmap

You can transfer individual roadmaps from one user to another from the Share feature on the roadmap.

  1. Click Share

  2. If the roadmap is not already shared with the person, invite them with Edit rights.

  3. Once they’ve accepted, click Change, and you can make them the Owner of the roadmap.

The user you are transferring to will need to have a paid ProductPlan account.



Option 2: Transferring all of a user’s roadmaps to another user

If you are the administrator for a ProductPlan account with multiple licenses, you can transfer all of a user’s roadmaps from one user to another. This is useful if someone leaves the company. To do this:

  1. Go to your Users page.

  2. Both users must be members of your plan.

  3. Click the vertical ellipsis to the right, and select “Transfer roadmaps.”