Using Versions to Publish Your Roadmap

Save static view-only versions of your roadmap for sharing or archiving.

With the Version feature, customers can share static view-only versions of their roadmap. It’s perfect for sharing the results of your planning meetings or for regularly archiving your roadmap. And it’s better than a screenshot or PDF because viewers can interact with and scroll through your published roadmap.

To get started, click Version from the toolbar. When you create a version of your roadmap for publishing, all the settings, bars, lanes, and legend are frozen at that moment.

Versions will default to the Timeline view. If you'd like a Version of the List view, you'll want to confirm List is set from your Default Layout under Settings. You'll still create the Version from the menu on the Timeline view, but it will be saved as a List view.

You can publish a version to anyone with a private link (shared in email or a wiki). Or share it with other ProductPlan users. Viewers see a fully interactive roadmap and can drill into details and scroll to see more lanes or dates.

To export a Version, click on the date it was created and look to the sidebar. From there, users can export the snapshot of their roadmap as a PNG, PDF or XLS file.