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Enhanced Teams

The Teams feature makes it easy for Professional and Enterprise customers to organize users and roadmap permissions in ProductPlan.

Charlotte Gutrich avatar
Written by Charlotte Gutrich
Updated over a week ago

The Teams feature makes it easy for customers to organize users and roadmap permissions in ProductPlan. With access to Account Settings, account admins have the ability to create/delete Teams and add/remove users from existing Teams.

Creating Teams in ProductPlan

Enhanced Teams access varies based on subscription level. Admins on Enterprise accounts can create an unlimited amount of Teams while Professional Admins can create up to three Teams. Basic Admins can create a single Team.

To create a new team head to the Teams tab in your Account Settings and click + New Team:

To add users to a team, click into the team name and select + Add Members to check the box next to users you would like to include.

Adding Teams to a Roadmap

With the creation of a Team, you can now associate Teams with one or more roadmaps and portfolios. From the roadmap/portfolio main view, click Settings via the righthand side menu. Below Description, there will be a Teams option. You can select the necessary Teams to associate with each roadmap and portfolio.

Folders will inherit the Teams of the roadmaps and portfolios within them. There will be a column on the roadmap index page that indicates which Teams are associated with the roadmaps and portfolios.

Any user with edit access to the roadmap, who is also on the same account as the roadmap, can add, modify and/or delete Team associations from roadmaps and portfolios. If the roadmap is shared with someone on a different account, they will not be able to see the Team associations or make new Team associations, regardless of their license type or roadmap permissions.

Users will also be able to filter based on Teams from the roadmap homepage.

Team Standardizations & Custom Fields

Account admins are able to assign and remove team-specific admins. Team admins are able to modify the team name, add users to their team and remove users from their team at their discretion. Additionally, team admins can create, modify and delete team standardizations and custom fields.

To grant a user team admin rights, click on the ellipsis next to their name in Account Settings. From there, select Grant team admin rights and a team leader icon will appear next to the user's name.

Once granted the rights, Team Admins can create shared legends, custom text fields and custom dropdown fields that are unique to their team. These standardized fields include shared legend, custom dropdown fields and custom text fields.

Adding Team Fields to Your Roadmap

With roadmap level field management, users can control which team-level fields display within their individual roadmaps. Team fields will appear as options to include in the Fields tab of each individual roadmap. As shown below, team custom fields will appear in roadmap settings with the name of the team highlighted to the right of the field.

Sharing With Teams

As an Editor on a Professional or Enterprise subscription, you have the ability to share your Roadmap with specific teams. Select which teams you’d like to share your Roadmap with from the dropdown in your Roadmap’s share dialogue:

Teams & OKRs

Team associations and filters will allow your users to stay focused on what’s most relevant for them and enable multiple groups to coexist within a single account.

You're able to filter objectives overview page by either the company or team level. The strategy overview page will now have a filter, and it will also display team names on OKR cards.

Within a roadmap, users will be able to see associated teams when selecting objectives for a bar. You can assign multiple teams to a single objective as needed.


Can users be a part of more than one team? 

Yes, Users can be in multiple teams at once.

Is there any limit to the number of teams you can create?

Depends on the subscription type! Enterprise Admins can create an unlimited number of Teams; Professional Admins can create up to three, and Basic accounts can create a single Team.

When you delete a team, does it delete the users in it or the roadmaps owned by those users?

No, deleting a team does not delete the users or the roadmaps in that team. It does, however, revoke any team-based roadmap permissions that have been granted which may cause users to lose access to roadmaps.

How many Team Admins can be added to one team?

There is no limit. However, account admins should be aware that team admins are able to modify team standardizations and custom fields, of which there is a limited number.

What is the difference between an Account Admin and a Team Admin?

Account admins have additional editing privileges beyond the team admin role. For example, team admins cannot make changes to subscription details such as plan type, account admin and license assignment.

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