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Sharing Custom Views

One of the powerful features of ProductPlan is the ability to share your web based roadmap to easily communicate with your team.

Zach Garfinkel avatar
Written by Zach Garfinkel
Updated over a week ago

One of the powerful features of ProductPlan is the ability to share your web-based roadmap to easily communicate with your team. You can share your roadmaps to collaborate with editors, or grant access to unlimited viewers. To make sharing even more powerful, Professional and Enterprise subscribers can create Custom Views to share with different audiences.

To share a Custom View of a roadmap, you'll need to create a private link. You can create private links for your different Views, or to the whole roadmap. Private links provide view-only access to your View or to your roadmap.

To create a private link, click Share to the right of your roadmap. Then, select which View you want to create a link for by clicking Copy Link to the right of the roadmap. If you have a new Custom View you want to create a link for, simply select the name from the dropdown titled Select a view and you'll see your Custom View added to the list.

You can also create a saved filter in Portfolio View. Portfolio Views are shareable view-only versions of multiple roadmaps. Visit your roadmaps page to create a Portfolio View.

After you’ve created your Portfolio View, you can open the Settings to apply a View Filter:

Any Settings or View Filters that you apply to your Portfolio will be visible to anyone you share it with. That way, you can share custom Portfolio views with different audiences.

You or any editor of the Portfolio view can edit the saved filter that you’ve created. Any editor can create unlimited Portfolio Views and Roadmaps.

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